Mini SEO case study: (Aachen/Berlin)

SEO Case Study
Corner Doodle Graphic

17 March 2019 (Founded: 2008) is a journey planner and online booking platform. Users can search for a connection between two destinations within Europe (train, airplane, bus, and ride share).

Executive Summary

Fromatob’s backlinks profile does not look so solid for such a big website which generates so much traffic.

More than half of the organic traffic comes from either brand searches (fromatob) or Deutsche Bahn related terms such as “DB Fahrplan” and “DB Auskunft”.

Still, fromatob has managed to efficiently scale Content Marketing by creating landing pages for a huge amount of locations in Germany. Over 1000 pages get at least 20 organic visits per months.

  • 290k SEO monthly visits
  • 1% of pages indexed get 10+ visits
  • Star Keywords: “DB Fahrplan & Auskunft”
  • Over 20% traffic brand

Google Trends

from A to B

Backlink Profile Overview

  • 423k backlinks from only 400 domains.
  • 92% of backlinks are from pages with little Page Authority.
  • 50% of the backlinks are from German websites.

Top Backlinks with highest Page Authority (According to ahrefs)

Organic Traffic Analysis

fromAtoB ranks for over 60k Keywords for 286k monthly organic visits.

Keyword targeting and Traffic

Main Keywords generating traffic:

  • 4Brand: around 60k (20%)
  • Deutsche Bahn (DB) Fahrplan & Auskunft: around 90k (30%) with this landing page
  • and this one also getting considerable traffic.
  • (Zug) verbindung (14k)
  • bahn (10k)
  • Other brands
  • hkx (7k)
  • ltur bahn (7k)
  • Vueling (1k)
  • Regiojet (1k)

Content Marketing Landing Pages and Traffic

From around 126k pages indexed, over 1000 pages each get at least 10 visits per month. This is achieved mainly by creating landing pages for as many cities as possible and optimizing the page for Bahnhof + City.

Long tail examples:

  • /bahnhof/bad-toelz
  • /bahn/kassel/muenchen

Site Performance for Mobile
